The Department of commercial taxes, Karnataka has introduced the VAT e-filing system to enable the dealers to file the details of purchase and sale electronically through web-based application software with technical support from National Informatics Centre, Bangalore with effect from September 2007. To begin with, 500 dealers were notified as eligible to enter the details of purchases made from and sales made to the dealers registered under the Karnataka Value Added Tax Act. Subsequently, this facility is extended to more than 25000 dealers and, entering the details of export sale out of territory of India is also made mandatory in addition to entering the details of purchase and sale. This initiative of the department has enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of process of refund claims towards input tax credit. Further, the correctness and veracity of the claim of input tax credit could also be verified once the dealer submits the details of purchase, sale and export sale into the website electronically. All dealers registered under the KVAT ACT, 2003 are enabled to obtain the delivery note in Form VAT 505 electronically through VAT Online System from anywhere any time. In case, at the place of loading of the goods, there is no facility of computer or internet, still the dealers can use the unique number printed on the delivery note in form VAT 505 obtained electronically from a place where computer and internet facility is available. Further, the declarations in C form are also being issued electronically to all the dealers registered under the CST Act 1956. It is mandatory for the dealers to submit the details of interstate purchases electronically to obtain the declarations in C form. However, an option is provided to the dealers to obtain the printout of C forms at their place of business or from the offices of the jurisdictional LVO or VSO after approval by such authorities.
1. Website for submitting purchase sale and export sale :
2. Website for obtaining C Form :
3. Websites for obtaining delivery note in Form VAT 505 :
Delivery note in Form VAT 505 may be downloaded from any one of the three websites.
The Department of commercial taxes, Karnataka has introduced the VAT e-filing system to enable the dealers to file the details of purchase and sale electronically through web-based application software with technical support from National Informatics Centre, Bangalore with effect from September 2007. To begin with, 500 dealers were notified as eligible to enter the details of purchases made from and sales made to the dealers registered under the Karnataka Value Added Tax Act. Subsequently, this facility is extended to more than 25000 dealers and, entering the details of export sale out of territory of India is also made mandatory in addition to entering the details of purchase and sale. This initiative of the department has enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of process of refund claims towards input tax credit. Further, the correctness and veracity of the claim of input tax credit could also be verified once the dealer submits the details of purchase, sale and export sale into the website electronically. All dealers registered under the KVAT ACT, 2003 are enabled to obtain the delivery note in Form VAT 505 electronically through VAT Online System from anywhere any time. In case, at the place of loading of the goods, there is no facility of computer or internet, still the dealers can use the unique number printed on the delivery note in form VAT 505 obtained electronically from a place where computer and internet facility is available. Further, the declarations in C form are also being issued electronically to all the dealers registered under the CST Act 1956. It is mandatory for the dealers to submit the details of interstate purchases electronically to obtain the declarations in C form. However, an option is provided to the dealers to obtain the printout of C forms at their place of business or from the offices of the jurisdictional LVO or VSO after approval by such authorities.
1. Website for submitting purchase sale and export sale :
2. Website for obtaining C Form :
3. Websites for obtaining delivery note in Form VAT 505 :
Delivery note in Form VAT 505 may be downloaded from any one of the three websites.